How to Create a Binance Account

1. Create a Binance account

1. Head to the Binance homepage and click [Register] in the top right corner.

2. Input your email address and choose a secure password. If you've been given a referral code from a friend, now is also the time to enter it.

3. Follow the instructions for verifying your account by inputting the code sent to your email address or mobile number.

Once you're verified, you should now be set up with your Binance account. You're one step closer to buying cryptocurrency, so let's dive into making your first crypto purchase.

2. Complete the Identity Verification process

Next, you have to complete the identity verification process. Identity Verification or Know Your Customer (KYC) standards are designed to protect your account against fraud and prevent corruption, money laundering, and terrorist financing. Based on your region or selected payment channels, you may need to enhance your Identity Verification level to improve your account security. To learn more details, please refer to "How to Complete Identity Verification".

Last updated