Make sure your auto savings are turned off!
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Savings is a financial product that Binance provides for its users to lend and earn interests. Users can automatically lend their idle crypto assets to Binance Margin, and get interests.
A portion of the assets you have auto savings enabled for is automatically transferred to the savings account every day where Stoic can't manage it.
This leads to the incorrect calculation of the return (Stoic considers the funds sent to the savings account as lost) and overall the funds located in the Savings account can't be managed by Stoic.
Log in to your Binance account and go to the Savings page. You can use this link to open it.
If you have any assets marked as "Auto transfer"-able, please disable the Auto transfer for them.
This is it! If some of your funds have already been transferred to the Savings Account, you can transfer them back under Stoic management.